Anand Mahindra shared a video of an innovative multi-rider passenger vehicle. | Tech US News


Anand Mahindra shared a video of an innovative multi-rider passenger vehicle.

The video has been viewed over 68,000 times on Twitter.

Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra has shared a video about an innovative invention that he said could find “global application”. The manufacturer shared a clip of an electric multi-passenger vehicle that is suitable for crowded places. A six-seater cycle auto-rickshaw has been built by a young man from rural India.

Sharing a demonstration video of the Indian-made vehicle, Mahindra wrote on Tuesday, “With only small design inputs, (cylindrical parts for chassis @BosePratap?) this device could find global application. Crowded in Europe Tourist centers as tour ‘buses’? I am always impressed by the innovations in rural transport, where necessity is the mother of invention.”

Watch the video here:

The person in the video claimed that the vehicle costs Rs 12,000 and can run up to 150 km on a single charge. He also claimed that the vehicle can be redeemed for just Rs.10.

The video, posted a few hours ago, has been viewed more than 68,000 times on Twitter. The internet is abuzz with this innovation and some have even suggested security measures to turn it into a game changer. A user wrote, “This is a great idea for closed loops like zoos, parks, corporation complexes, will not be suitable for normal traffic because of 1. turning radius, 2. centrifugal balance while turning, 3. uneven roads. Suspension, 4. No luggage space, 5. Battery capacity at high load.”

Another user commented, “Innovation in mobility at it’s best and most efficient. Proper engineering. I’m a fan of light engineering. Been done with over engineered ones in the past years. Heavy on pocket and environment.”

A third user wrote, “This is an amazing invention especially for women in rural areas where they travel long distances for water.” A fourth expressed, “Besides cost effective and environment friendly.. with proper support these rural innovations can make a huge mark globally.”

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